Do you know where all your bills are? Keep track of all your bills by keeping all of them in a 'financial center' at home for easy access, this can be something as simple as a single folder.
As companies nowadays move towards e-billing, it may be difficult to track both traditional paper and modern e-bills. Consolidate all your bills into one format by choosing to either print your e-bills or scan/digitize of your physical bills.
If you're behind on paying bills, it's tempting not to open them whether they come in the physical mail or email. The task may be unenjoyable, but there could be an unpleasant surprise that you should know about, like a late fee or a change in the billing process. Always open and check your bills.
It might be once a month, once a week or once a day if you have a lot of bills and can't pay far in advance. But just about every financial expert will tell you to reserve quiet time to pay your bills and stay up to date on your finances. Do give yourself some time to pay your bills and avoid unnecessary late charges.
Deferred Sales Price of maximum RM200.00 (revised 1st August 2016) is waivable upon non-overdue on monthly instalment payments