ACOS SYSTEM Online Self Service Terminals

  1. What is Refund Charges?

    Refund Charges are charges required to be borne by a customer / individual to facilitate refund process to them.

  2. How is it applicable to me?

    A refund is required when a customer / individual deposited an amount more than required to Parkson Credit upon completion of payment tenure (full settlement), or inadvertently banked in an amount for a loan account which does not belong to Parkson Credit.

No. Type of charges Amount/Rate
1 Cheque refund RM2.00 (per cheque issuance)
2 Processing fee RM0.50 (Processing per cheque issuance)
3 Online transfer fee RM2.00 per request
4 Courier charges
(for local courier charges only)
RM10.00 per request (Document couriered to customers)
5 Cheque replacement fee RM8.00 for replacement of loss cheque
6 Document retrieval RM20.00 per request (Confirmation Letters)
RM10.00 per request (Photocopy of documents)